Getting Your Home Ready

Tips for being show ready

Getting your home ready for the market is a critical step for a successful sale. It will take some time, energy and elbow grease.

If you have big-ticket items that are worn out or will need to be replaced soon, such as your roof or carpeting? Get estimates on how much it would cost to replace them, even if you don’t plan to do it yourself.

Organize and clean. Pare down clutter and pack up your least-used items, such as large blenders and other large kitchen tools, out-of-season clothes, toys, and exercise equipment. Store items off-site or in boxes neatly arranged in the garage or basement. Clean the windows, carpets, walls, light fixtures, and baseboards to make the house shine, etc.

Sherry will provide you with a pre-listing booklet that will help guide you through the sale preparation process.

Yes, please send me your booklet on preparing your home to sell today.